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TLA Governance

The Texas Library Association, headquartered in Austin, Texas, is a 501(c) 3 organization governed by a Council comprised of both voting and non-voting members. Voting members are the president, president-elect, past president, treasurer, ALA councilor, five representatives-at-large, and one councilor from each division, district, and round table or an alternate designated by the unit. Non-voting members are chairmen of standing committees and ad hoc committees, executive director, journal editor, association legal counsel, chairmen of statewide organizations affiliated with TLA, and the parliamentarian. At least two meetings are held each year at the Annual Conference and at Annual Assembly. As the association’s policy making and chief governing body, the Council adopts the annual budget and the legislative platform.

A general membership meeting is conducted during the Annual Conference to give members an opportunity to discuss professional and association concerns, and to make their opinions known.

The Executive Board, which serves as the central management board of TLA, recommends matters of policy, budget, and operations to the Council. Board members, who are elected annually by the entire membership, include the president, president-elect, past president, ALA councilor, treasurer, five representatives-at-large, and the executive director as secretary and non-voting member.

Standing Committees                  2024 – 2025 Committee Chairs

TLA 2022-2025 Strategic Plan
TLA Bylaws
TLA Standing Rules
TLA Group Overview