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Join TLA


Tools and resources for library advocacy

TLA has thousands of members from school, public, academic, and special libraries, as well as countless lay supporters, parents, educators, and business partners who promote library issues. Additionally, all types of libraries enjoy enormous local support from parent groups, the local community, student organizations, and countless other stakeholders who join in statewide efforts to strengthen libraries. With libraries – school, academic, public, or special – located in almost every political jurisdiction in the state, the grassroots support for libraries is broad and deep.

Building relationships with your state elected officials is essential to advocacy, especially during a Legislative Session. How to begin?

  • Find out who represents you in the Texas Legislature
  • Learn more about them. Visit the TX Senate and TX House of Representatives websites to review the members’ bios. What committees do they serve on? What is their profession? How do their interests and experiences intersect with your library’s services?
  • Connect with the legislative office. Sign up to receive their newsletters, follow them on social media.
  • Become familiar with TLA’s legislative priorities


TLA Legislative Priorities & About My Library one pager (fillable): add information about your library and your contact information to the back of the document and email to your legislators.

Sample Legislative Priorities & About My Library flyers

Advocacy Action Plan Workbook

ALA State Legislative Tool Kit

State of America’s Libraries Report