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H-E-B Strong Texas Libraries TLA Annual Conference Stipend

Thanks to the generous support of H-E-B, the Texas Library Association is pleased to offer 50 stipends to cover conference registration and help defray the cost of travel to attend the TLA 2025 Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas. Recipients will receive a coupon code to cover their TLA Annual Conference registration (additional ticketed events not included, must be purchased separately); and $750 to help with the cost of travel. Travel stipend funds will be sent to recipients after the conference ends.

Our goal is to use these funds to support TLA members from all types of libraries working in small institutions with very limited budgets, and those that have been impacted by budget cuts, downsizing and layoffs.

Stipends will be awarded to eligible applicants on a first-come, first-served basis; only one stipend per applicant will be awarded.

Applications will close when  the maximum number (50) of eligible applications have been received. Notifications will be sent to stipend recipients beginning November 13. Conference registration codes will be sent to recipients upon receipt of the signed agreement form. Travel funds will be distributed after conference attendance in April 2025.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Current TLA 2025 member (professional or student members only)
  • Traveling more than 50 miles to attend conference
  • Individual must be the one attending the conference, you may not apply on behalf of another individual

Application closed on January 20, 2025. All applicants will be notified by February 1, 2025.