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TASL Conference Stipend

Beginning in 2023, travel stipends and first-time attendee stipends will be presented in an effort to increase our outreach to TASL members from our districts in which travel to annual conference may be cost-prohibitive and to encourage long-term or new members to join us for their first annual conference experience.

Travel Stipend

TASL will offer three $300 travel stipends to TASL members who live more than 250 miles from the current upcoming conference site. Eligibility is open to current TASL members who are working in a school library and those who have not previously been awarded a TASL stipend. Those selected for the stipend will agree to serve on a TASL committee in the upcoming year and submit a short reflection piece of the conference experience to be included in a TxASL Talks blog post. Deadline to apply is January 31.

Travel stipends will be paid to recipients after TLA Annual conference attendance.


First-Time Attendee Stipend

TASL will offer three $300 travel stipends to TASL members who will be attending their first TLA conference. Eligibility is open to current TASL members who are working in a school library and who have not previously been awarded a TASL stipend. Those selected for the stipend will agree to serve on a TASL committee in the upcoming year and submit a short reflection piece of the conference experience to be included in TxASL Talks blog post. Deadline to apply is January 31.

Travel stipends will be paid to recipients after TLA Annual conference attendance.

Apply here