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Make a lasting contribution to TLA, the library profession, and libraries.


Together, we are stronger text with TLA logo on blue background with cloud like shapes with member photos.

Together, We Are Stronger for All Libraries

Thank you to everyone who donated to TLA in 2024!

Thank you to everyone who supported our 2024 year-end giving campaign and who donated in 2024! Your generosity has strengthened our community and created impactful programs. Together, we’re writing an even brighter chapter for our members and library communities.

Make a lasting contribution to TLA, the library profession, and libraries.

Your donation supports our mission to be the go-to source of support, knowledge, and community for Texas librarians and libraries. Every contribution strengthens the profession and empowers library professional to champion excellence in libraries across Texas.

By giving, you’re building a lasting legacy—one that keeps the flame of libraries and literacy burning bright for generations to come. Together, we can make a profound impact. Join us in supporting the profession and advancing our shared mission!


2024 Impact Report

Discover how your generosity has made a difference in 2024. TLA’s Impact Report highlights the incredible progress we’ve achieved together—see the milestones, and impact your support made possible.

Read the report

Thank you to our 2024 Donors

Thank you to our FY2024 Donors! We appreciate their generous support of our mission. (Contributions for FY2024: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024)

TLA Funds to Support with Your Donation

Whitten Intellectual Freedom Fund

Libraries across Texas are facing unprecedented numbers of challenges to books and materials,  and books are being removed from library shelves without going through established reconsideration processes. Librarians are under tremendous pressure and TLA is committed to doing whatever we can to fight these censorship efforts. We’ve established an Intellectual Freedom Helpline to connect librarians who have questions or are facing a challenge with other librarians who can offer support and resources. TLA also launched Texans for the Right to Read, a grassroots coalition that opposes widespread, coordinated efforts to apply subjective criteria to ban books across the state.

Legislation restricting what students can be taught about our country’s complex history, and restricting what books they can read, is being passed around the country; and we will see similar proposals before the Texas Legislature when it convenes in January 2025. We need your support to continue to advocate for the right to read. Please consider making a donation to the Whitten Fund which supports activities that increase attention to, and support of intellectual freedom.

These funds support innovative association initiatives and activities, and specific programs.


Donation Levels

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2025 2×2 Reading List Announced!

TLA News, TLA Reading Lists

  The Texas Library Association is delighted to announce the arrival of the 2025 2×2 Reading List! These beautifully illustrated, often humorous, and instructive volumes are the best of recent […]

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Navigating TLA: Why Updating Your Member Profile Helps You Stay Informed

TLA Membership, TLA News

It’s membership renewal time! Whether you are renewing or have already renewed your membership, keeping your member profile up-to-date in the Members Online portal ensures you receive tailored resources and […]

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