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Editorial Guidelines

Texas Library Journal is published quarterly by the Texas Library Association.

Texas Library Journal (TLJ) is a quarterly, digital publication with  a readership of more than 5,000, including librarians, library staff, publishers, vendors, trustees, library supporters, and library users. The Spring,  Summer, Fall and Winter issues are digital only; emailed to all Texas Library Association (TLA) members and TLJ subscribers, and available on

Article Submission Guidelines

“Sharing your expertise with the Texas Library Journal” webinar August 2023: video on YouTube (Slides from presentation are here)

TLJ’s editorial content is designed to promote the exchange of ideas and information among library professionals to improve library services in Texas, and promote the value of libraries. TLJ is not a peer-reviewed journal. Articles should relate best practices, innovation, and new trends in school, public, special, or academic libraries.

  • Feature Articles: 1000 – 1200 words; Chicago Manual of Style
  • Other Articles: 500 – 800 words

Publication Dates

  • Spring – April
  • Summer – June
  • Fall – September
  • Winter – December (includes TLA Annual Conference highlights)

Copy deadlines are the 15th of the month prior to publication month. Email your idea, abstract or completed article to Wendy Woodland.