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2021-2022 Tejas Star Reading List Announced

TLA News, TLA Reading Lists

The Texas Library Association is pleased to announce the 2021-22 Tejas Star Reading List. This carefully curated list of Spanish and bilingual titles is designed to encourage children ages 5 to 12 to explore multicultural books and to discover the cognitive and economic benefits of bilingualism and multilingualism. The Tejas Star Reading List is intended for recreational reading, not to support a specific curriculum.

There is an old Spanish saying that states, “Quien sabe dos lenguas, vale por dos,” meaning that a person who knows two languages is worth twice as much. It is the hope of the Tejas Star Reading List committee that these books will play a part in making this a reality for readers.

The 2021-22 list includes fiction and non-fiction picture books, chapter books, and graphic novels, , as well as a book about animals from Latin-American countries and important historical figures. Among the 25 books on this year’s list are stories that may make readers laugh, cry, celebrate who they are, and take ownership of their world.

La Asociación de Bibliotecas de Texas (Texas Library Association) se complace en anunciar la lista de lectura de Tejas Star para el periodo 2021-22. Esta lista de títulos en español y bilingües cuidadosamente seleccionada está diseñada para animar a los niños de 5 a 12 años de edad a explorar libros multiculturales y descubrir los beneficios cognitivos y económicos del bilingüismo y el multilingüismo. La lista de lectura de Tejas Star está destinada a la lectura recreativa, no para apoyar un plan de estudios específico.

Hay un dicho que dice: “Quien sabe dos lenguas, vale por dos”. El comité de la lista de lectura de Tejas Star espera que estos libros contribuyan a que esto sea una realidad para los lectores.

La lista 2021-22 incluye libros de ficción y no ficción ilustrados, libros de capítulos y novelas gráficas, y también historias sobre animales de países latinoamericanos e importantes figuras históricas. Entre los 25 libros de la lista de este año hay historias que pueden hacer lectores reír, llorar, celebrar su identidad y tomar posesión de su mundo.

Presenting the 2021-22 Tejas Star Reading List/Presentación de la lista de lectura de Tejas Star para el periodo 2021-22:

La aventura de la nutria de río (River Otter’s Adventure)  by Linda Stanek, translated by Alejandra de la Torre y Javier Camacho Miranda, illustrated by Shennen Bersani (Arbordale Publishing, LLC, 2020)

Agallas (Guts) by Raina Telgemeier, translated by Juan Pablo Lombana (Scholastic en español, Inc., 2020)

Amigas (The Girls) by Lauren Ace, illustrated by Jenny Lovlie, translated by Ana Belén Fletes (Maeva Ediciones, 2019)

Baila como una hoja (Dance Like a Leaf) by A.J. Irving, illustrated by Claudia Navarro, translated by María A. Pérez (Barefoot Books, Inc., 2020)

Cachorros del fin del mundo (Animal Babies From The Ends Of The World) by Paula Fernández, illustrated by Pablo Picyk (Syncretic Press, 2020)

La caimana by María Eugena Manrique, illustrated by Ramón París (Ediciones Ekaré, 2019) 

Los carpinchos (The Capybaras) by Alfredo Soderguit (Ediciones Ekaré, 2019)

La casa de algún día (The One Day House) by Julia Durango, illustrated by Bianca Díaz (Charlesbridge, 2020)

Cosas de bruja (Witchy Things) by Mariasole Brusa, illustrated by Marta Sevilla (NubeOcho, 2020)

Evelyn Del Rey se muda (Evelyn Del Rey Is Moving Away) by Meg Medina, illustrated by Sonia Sánchez, translated by Teresa Mlawer (Candlewick Press, 2020)

Gustavo, el fantasmita tímido (Gustavo: The Shy Ghost)  by Flavia Z. Drago (Candlewick Press, 2020)

Hombre Perro: Por quién rueda la pelota (Dog Man: For Whom the Ball Rolls) by Dav Pilkey, translated by Nuria Molinero (Scholastic en español, Inc., 2020)

Imagina (Imagine) by Juan Felipe Herrera, illustrated by Lauren Castillo, translated by Georgina Lázaro (Candlewick Press, 2020)

Kaia y las abejas (Kaia and the Bees) by Maribeth Boelta, illustrated by Angela Dominguez, translated by Georgina Lázaro (Candlewick Press, 2020)

Mañanaland by Pam Muñoz Ryan, translated by Alberto Jiménez Rioja (Scholastic Inc., 2020)

Nina by Seta Gimeno (Algar Editorial, 2020)

Oye, Muro (Hey, Wall): Un cuento de arte y comunidad by Susan Verde, illustrated by John Parra, translated by Alexis Romay (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2020)

Pioneras: Mujeres que abrieron camino by Espido Freire, illustrated by Helena Pérez García (Anaya, 2019)

La princesa y el guerrero: Historia de dos volcanes (The Princess and the Warrior: A Tale of Two Volcanoes) by Duncan Tonatiuh, translated by Graciela Romero (V&R Editoras, 2018)

Un regalo para Amma: Día de mercado en India (A Gift for Amma: Market Day in India) by Meera Sriram, illustrated by Mariona Cabassa (Barefoot Books, Inc., 2020)

Rescatando palabras: : José Alberto Gutiérrez y la biblioteca que creó (Digging for Words: José Alberto Gutiérrez and the Library He Built) by Angela Burke Kunkel, illustrated by Paola Escobar, translated by Teresa Mlawer (Schwartz & Wade Books, 2020)

¡Sé audaz, Sé valiente! 11 latinas que hicieron historia en Estados Unidos (Be Bold! Be Brave! 11 Latinas who made U.S. History) by Naibe Reynoso, illustrated by Jone Leal, translated by Vanessa Saenz (Con Todo Press, 2019)

Sharuko: El arqueólogo peruano (Sharuko: The Peruvian Archaeologist) by Monica Brown, illustrated by Elisa Chavarri, translated by Adriana Dominguez (Children’s Book Press, an imprint of Lee & Low Books, Inc., 2020)

La travesía de Santiago (Santiago’s Road Home) by Alexandra Diaz (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2020)

¡Los zombis no comen verduras! (Zombies Don’t Eat Veggies) by Megan Lacera and Jorge Lacera, illustrated by Jorge Lacera, translated by Yanitzia Canetti (Children’s Book Press, an imprint of Lee & Low Books, Inc., 2019)