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2021 YART Reading Lists Announced

TLA News, TLA Reading Lists

It’s a wonderful time to explore young adult literature (books aimed at 6th to 12th graders, ages 12-18.) Whether preteens and teens are looking for a new fantasy world to explore, a contemporary read addressing a current political situation, a historical tome, a coming-of-age novel or a blossoming romance, there’s something for everyone in this year’s crop of excellent YA reads.

There’s a wide variety of titles, from Kim Johnson’s searing novel This is My America, a brilliant portrait of racial injustice, to Christina Soontornvat’s All Thirteen: The Incredible Cave Rescue of the Thai Boys’ Soccer Team, a meticulously researched account of the harrowing rescue that captivated the world in the summer of 2018.

Lone Star: A reading list for grades 6, 7 and 8 to encourage recreational reading.

Maverick: Recommended graphic novels for grades 6-12.

Spirit of Texas (SPOT): Literary works of and about Texas and Texans, for grades 6-12.

TAYSHAS: Fiction and nonfiction titles for grades 9-12, to encourage high school students to become lifelong readers.

The Young Adult Round Tables (YART) brings together Texas Library Association members who are interested in the reading habits of teenagers and young adults. YART promotes improved library service to these individuals.

Public and school librarians in Texas made their selections for 2021 after combing through hundreds of titles in a wide variety of genres.