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And the 2019 Texas Bluebonnet Award Winner Is..

TLA News, TLA Reading Lists

The votes are in and Sergeant Reckless: The True Story of the Little Horse Who Became a Hero by Patricia McCormick, illustrated by Iacopo Bruno (Balzer & Bray, an imprint of HarperCollins Pubishers, 2017) is the winner of the 2019 Texas Bluebonnet Award! This inspiring book tells the true story of Reckless, a brave little horse who became a Marine during the Korean war.  This is the first picture book from award-winning novelist Patricia McCormick.

More than 131,000 students in grades 3 – 6 at 1464 public and school libraries across Texas read at least five of the books on the Texas Bluebonnet Award List and voted for their favorite title.

Students representing 10 Texas school districts will present the award to McCormick at the Texas Bluebonnet Award Luncheon at the TLA Annual Conference in Austin on Wednesday, April 17 from 11:45am – 1:45pm. (Luncheon tickets must be purchased by March 31)

Student Librarian School School District
Giselle Aguilera Laurie Fuentes School for the Talented & Gifted at Pleasant Grove Dallas ISD
Clemente Arroyo, Jr. Tammy Scarbrough Forest Hill Elementary Amarillo ISD
Charlotte Baker Diane Austin Ray and Jamie Wolman Elementary Katy ISD
Elise Gonzalez Silvia Zulema Bewley Harry Shimotsu Elementary Sharyland ISD
Nissi Adaline Herrero Felice Sanders-Johnson Goodman Elementary Arlington ISD
James Holland Shannon Houston Union Hill Elementary Round Rock ISD
Wyatt King Brenda Young Bowie Fine Arts Academy Midland ISD
Luna Musquiz Anna Silva Salado Intermediate East Central ISD
Casara Phillips Claudia Tellez Benito Martinez Elementary Socorro ISD
Mason Pierson Jacklyn Wheatley Haskell Elementary Haskell ISD

The Texas Bluebonnet Award is a unique program for children in grades 3 – 6 designed to encourage reading for pleasure. Each year, 20 books are chosen for the Texas Bluebonnet Award Master List. Schools and libraries around the state participate in the program, encouraging students to read a minimum of five books from the list. In January, students vote for their favorite title.