Between the Lines: February Member Spotlight
Zinnia Bayardo
Library Instructional Support Specialist, Northside ISD, San Antonio
What inspired you to become a librarian? The first librarian I worked with as a teacher encouraged me by pointing out all of the things I was doing as a classroom teacher that very much aligned with librarianship. But who truly inspired me, I have to say, was my dad. He always encouraged me to learn and to always have that thirst for knowledge and research and reading. When I learned what being a librarian was all about — not only as a professional but also as an educator — it instantly reminded me of my dad and I knew it was where I wanted to be! My father has always been and will always be mi primer maestro (my first teacher).
What is an innovative practice at your library/organization (current or former) that you’d like to share with others?
An innovative practice in my former library was organizing a writer-tutor program alongside an AP ELA (Advanced Placement English Language Arts) teacher on my campus. He had great AP students that could tutor other students who needed help with their writing. I organized connecting those students with one another. I promoted the service in our library and while visiting with all ELA (English Language Arts) classes and then I connected the AP student tutor with the student needing assistance. The AP student practiced their tutoring skills, while offering valuable help to the student in need.
If you could have dinner with three authors (living or dead), who would they be and why?
This was both an easy and hard question to answer! I instantly know who I’d love to name but there are too many to narrow down! I would definitely want to meet and have dinner with Gloria Anzaldúa, bell hooks, and Rudolfo Anaya.
What are you reading right now?
The Weight of Everything by Marcia Argueta Mickelson and Madame Restell: The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Old New York’s Most Fabulous, Fearless, and Infamous Abortionist by Jennifer Wright.
What is your most memorable Texas Library Association Experience?
I have to say my most memorable experience, next to my FIRST TLA, is having the opportunity to interview the keynote speaker Frederick Joseph after the release of his book, The Black Friend, as part of the all-virtual TLA 2021 Annual Conference. Meeting authors is always a memorable experience in and of itself but having the honor to interview an author is even better!
Anything else you would like to share?
Being a part of TLA has been such a great experience for me professionally. I have learned so much from my fellow colleagues, I have also grown as a leader and that is invaluable! My PLN (personal learning network) has grown and some of my fellow TLA members have become friends and like family! TLA is such a great organization that we all benefit from; and I am so glad it exists.
“I am a TLA member because…” it has become an invaluable resource for me throughout my career AND a tremendous tool for me to grow as a librarian.