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Between the Lines: October Member Spotlight

Between the Lines: Member Spotlight, TLA Membership, TLA News

Abigail Glasser
Youth Services Librarian
Austin Public Library – Windsor Park Branch

What inspired you to become a librarian?
I was at a pre-wedding event for one of my friends, and an attendee complimented me on my (large) purse. I told her it was so big because I like carrying a book everywhere, even at parties. She said she did the same thing, and we got to talking. Turns out, she was a librarian! When Covid hit, and I was feeling stuck in my current job, my mind kept going back to that conversation, and the rest is history.

What is an innovative practice at your library/organization you would like to share with others?
The City of Austin emphasizes a zero-waste initiative, which means our programming goes beyond crafts and story time. We have a seed library that contains both flowers and veggies to help with our sustainability efforts. Several branches host clothing swaps for all age groups, and my branch will host a Halloween costume swap!

If you could have dinner with three authors (living or dead), who would they be and why?
Shirley Jackson, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Joyce Carol Oates are all responsible for stories I read in my childhood that still haunt me today. I would want to talk to them to get some answers. I also think that conversation would be riveting that I wouldn’t even need to participate myself.

What are you reading right now?
I am currently reading (and loving) Other People’s Clothes by Calla Henkel.

What is your most memorable Texas Library Association Experience?
I attended my very first TLA conference as a student when it was in Austin in 2023. I had been to several professional development conferences in my previous career, but none have come close to this size and caliber of programming. It was overwhelming, but I was able to connect with several librarian friends in person. I look forward to next time when I’m more prepared and know what to expect!

Advice to new librarians?
As a relatively new librarian myself, all I can say is utilize your network! Ask for help from within your system and beyond. TLA Engage is a great resource if you’re seeking advice or looking for inspiration. Oh, and don’t forget to take your lunch break!

Share your hobbies, hidden talents, and anything people might not know about you.
My favorite holiday by far is Halloween and I never have less than three costumes planned each year. This year, I’m up to five.

Anything else you would like to share?
I attended TLA LAUNCH earlier this year where we discussed vocational awe. There’s a fine line between burnout and giving your all within reason. I hope I never lose the feeling of looking forward to going into work every single day. It was a long and winding road to get here, but I am so grateful.

Please finish this sentence. “I am a TLA member because…”
I am a TLA member because TLA is there for us. Even if you don’t attend any conferences or events, it is important to support TLA because of their advocacy work, countless resources, and connections to library workers across our great state.