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Texas Library Association Elects 2021-2022 Executive Board

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Congratulations to the winners of our recent election and thank you to all of the candidates. The Texas Library Association is delighted to announce the new members of our executive board. TLA’s new executive board members, including incoming President Dan Burgard, University Librarian and Vice Provost for Scholarly Information Management at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, will take office at the close of the TLA 2021 Annual Conference.

Mary Woodard, Director of Library Services at Mesquite ISD, is President-Elect. “This is a time of great uncertainty in our world. Things are changing all around us, and while it can be scary, it can also be exciting as we all figure out new and different ways to get things done. A changing world brings us the opportunity at TLA to re-examine our role, refresh people’s perceptions of libraries, and reinvent the way we do things,” Woodard said.

Dorcas Hand, Advocate, Students Need Libraries in HISD, is ALA (American Library Association) Councilor. “Currently, TLA and ALA face enormous organizational challenges,” Hand said. “The TLA Executive Board must apply its collective knowledge, talent and experience to consider paths forward to strengthen and rebuild our library communities. I will take TLA concerns to the ALA Council and return to TLA with new insights into problems shared by many state associations. I know that we can find a way to meet the issues we face.”

Elizabeth A. M. Howard, Director of the Eunice & James L. West Library at Texas Wesleyan University, is Representative-at-Large, Academic. “The executive board will be making some challenging decisions in the upcoming years. I am committed to supporting and growing the Association and having those difficult conversations about how we can best serve our members in the future,” Howard said. “I want to listen to what you have to say and be there to help you understand how, together, we will continue to grow and support all of our members.”

Roosevelt Weeks, Director of the Austin Public Library, is Representative-at-Large, Public. “Libraries are faced with many challenges in the coming years. Funding, navigating in a post COVID-19 environment, racial and social unrest, and changing perception of libraries are just a few of the challenges that we must overcome. As we face these external and internal forces, we must be flexible, innovative, and nimble in order to survive and flourish. We can no longer do business as usual, as we provide services and programs to our customers. We must address the inequities and social justice issues that are inside and outside of our libraries,” Weeks said. “The library can play an important role in making sure all voices are heard and programs/services are provided in an equitable fashion. We can do this when we work together as one.”

Congratulations to our new board members and thank you to everyone who voted!