The 2022-2023 Tejas Star Reading List Announced
The Texas Library Association is pleased to announce the 2022-23 Tejas Star Reading List. This carefully curated list of Spanish and bilingual titles is designed to encourage children ages 5 to 12 to explore Spanish, bilingual, and multicultural books to discover the cognitive and economic benefits of bilingualism and multilingualism. The Tejas Star Reading List is intended for recreational reading, not to support a specific curriculum.
César Chávez said, “un lenguaje es un reflejo exacto del carácter y el crecimiento de sus hablantes. (A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers).” The Tejas Star Reading List committee hopes these books will help young readers appreciate the Spanish language and to see themselves reflected in the stories.
The 2022-23 list includes fiction and non-fiction picture books, chapter books, graphic novels, and books about important and inspiring historical figures. This year’s list of 20 books will teach, inspire, celebrate, and entertain young readers.
La Asociación de Bibliotecas de Texas (Texas Library Association) se complace en anunciar la Lista de Lectura de Tejas Star para el periodo 2022-23. Esta lista de títulos en español y bilingües, ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionada para motivar a los niños de 5 a 12 años de edad a explorar libros en español, bilingües y multiculturales que les permitirán descubrir los beneficios de hablar múltiples idiomas. La Lista de Lectura de Tejas Star ha sido creada para proporcionar opciones recreativas de lectura, no para apoyar planes de estudio escolares.
César Chávez dijo, “un lenguaje es un reflejo exacto del carácter y el crecimiento de sus hablantes.” El comité de la Lista de Lectura de Tejas Star desea que estos libros incentiven a los jóvenes lectores a apreciar el idioma español y a que se vean reflejados en estas historias.
La lista del periodo 2022-23 incluye libros ilustrados de ficción y no ficción, libros de capítulos, novelas gráficas y libros sobre figuras históricas relevantes e inspiradoras. Esta lista de 20 libros proporcionará información, inspirará, celebrará y entretendrá a los jóvenes lectores.
Presenting the 2022-23 Tejas Star Reading List/Presentación de la lista de lectura de Tejas Star para el periodo 2022-23:
- Areli es una Dreamer: Una historia real por Areli Morales, beneficiaria de DACA (Areli is a Dreamer: A True Story by Areli Morales, a DACA Recipient) by Areli Morales, illustrated by Luisa Uribe, translated by Polo Orozco (Random House Studio, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, 2021)
- Cuando los ángeles cantan: La historia de la leyenda del rock Carlos Santana (When Angels Sing: The Story of Rock Legend Carlos Santana) by Michael Mahin, illustrated by Jose Ramirez, translated by Alexis Romay (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, 2021)
- El campo (The Field) by Baptiste Paul, illustrated by Jacqueline Alcántara, translated by Lawrence Schimel (NorthSouth Books Inc., 2021)
- El día terrible de Rita y Rafi (Rita and Ralph’s Rotten Day) by Carmen Agra Deedy, illustrated by Pete Oswald, translated by María Domínguez, (Scholastic, Inc., 2021)
- Hombre Perro: Churre y castigo (Dog Man: Grime and Punishment) by Dav Pilkey, translated by Nuria Molinero (Scholastic, Inc., 2021)
- La joven aviadora: Aída de Acosta sube muy alto (The Flying Girl: How Aida de Acosta Learned to Soar) by Margarita Engle, illustrated by Sara Palacios, translated by Teresa Mlawer (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing,2021)
- Juana y Lucas (Juana and Lucas) by Juana Medina, translated by Alexis Romay (Candlewick Press, 2021)
- Let’s Be Friends/Seamos amigos by René Colato Laínez, illustrated by Nomar Perez (Holiday House, 2021)
- Lucero (Bright Star) by Yuyi Morales, translated by Eida Del Risco (Holiday House, 2021)
- Más allá (Hereafter) by Silvia and David Fernández, illustrated by Mercè López (Syncretic Press, LLC, 2021)
- Manos que bailan: Cómo Teresa Carreño tocó el piano para el presidente Lincoln (Dancing Hands: How Teresa Carreño Played the Piano for President Lincoln) by Margarita Engle, illustrated by Rafael López, translated by Alexis Romay (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, 2021)
- Paz (Peace) by Baptiste Paul & Miranda Paul, illustrated by Estelí Meza, translated by Aida Salazar (NorthSouth Books Inc., 2021)
- La pequeña mariposa que sí pudo (The Little Butterfly That Could ) by Ross Burach, translated by Abel Berriz (Scholastic, Inc., 2021)
- Pokko y el tambor (Pokko and the Drum) by Matthew Forsythe, translated by Alexis Romay (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2021)
- Un pregón de frutas (A Song of Frutas) by Margarita Engle, illustrated by Sara Palacios, translated by Alexis Romay (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, 2021)
- ¿Qué haces con una voz así?: La historia de la extraordinaria congresista Barbara Jordan (What Do You Do with a Voice Like That?: The Story of Extraordinary Congresswoman Barbara Jordan) by Chris Barton, illustrated by Ekua Holmes, translated by Carmen Tafolla (Beach Lane Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, 2021)
- La selva de Zonia (Zonia’s Rain Forest) by Juana Martinez-Neal, Asháninka translation by Arlynder Sett Gaspar Paulino (Candlewick Press, 2021)
- Sobreviví los ataques de tiburones de 1916 (I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916) by Lauren Tarshis, illustrated by Haus Studio, translated by Indira Pupo (Scholastic, Inc., 2021)
- La tierra de las grullas (Land of the Cranes) by Aida Salazar, translated by Abel Berriz (Scholastic, Inc., 2021)
- Ventanas (Windows) by Julia Denos, illustrated by E. B. Goodale, translated by Georgina Lázaro (Candlewick Press, 2021)