TLA Talks Recorded: Wisdom in the Time of COVID-19

Missed one of our TLA Talks? Don’t worry, we’ve got it all recorded for you.
Whether you are just catching up on the most recent one, or are listening in for the first time, you’ll discover that a host of useful information about libraries in this time of COVID-19 is available through our recorded TLA Talks sessions. Since the start of the pandemic, TLA has been hosting regular, free interactive webinars featuring expert panelists, discussing a wide range of issues affecting libraries and librarians. We also have transcripts of the chat during each one, where many participants shared useful tips and experiences.
Here’s a recap of the different sessions, speakers and topics, along with links to individual recordings. You can find these and many other resources on our COVID-19 Resources page.
May 12: Open Texas & Libraries. Gov. Abbott’s announcement that libraries could open May 1 as part of the phased Open Texas plan came as a surprise to librarians around the state. Members of the TLA response team served as panelists for this interactive online discussion. Panelists were Christina Gola, University of Houston; Dan Burgard, University of North Texas Health Science Center; Manya Shorr, Fort Worth Public Library; and Mary Woodard, Mesquite ISD. Recording and chat.
May 19: Small Community Libraries COVID-19 Response. TLA members John Hayden, Bonham Public Library; Beth Hiatt, Bowie Public Library; and Dianne Connery, Pottsboro Library, served as panelists for this discussion on the unique issues facing small community libraries as they either plan to reopen, or continue to conduct business in this new COVID-19 world. Recording and chat.
May 26: School Library Advocacy in the Days of COVID-19. TLA/TASL members Mike Mendez, Fort Worth ISD; Wenndy Pray, Sharyland ISD; Kristi Starr, Lubbock ISD; Ami Uselman, Round Rock ISD; and Mary Woodard, Mesquite ISD led this discussion on how school librarians can showcase the contributions they are making to distance learning; and demonstrate that librarians are essential personnel. Recording and chat.
June 9: Summer Reading Programs & Initiatives. Theresa Davis, Fort Worth Public Library; Kiera Elledge, Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD; Kyla Hunt, Texas State Library & Archives Commission; and Gretchen McCord, Digital Information Law, were the panelists for this lively discussion on summer reading programs and initiatives. The discussion included new and creative ways to offer much-needed resources and services, as well as tactics on how to reach their patrons when library visits are limited. Recording and chat.
June 16: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in the Time of COVID-19. Panelists Patricia Alvarado, Irving ISD; Yvonne Dooley, University of North Texas, Christina Gola, University of Houston, and Roosevelt Weeks, Austin Public Library, discussed inequities to accessing information and technology in our communities. The discussion covered how to broaden your understanding of where inequities may exist and offered ideas for promoting equitable services. Recording and chat.
June 23: Navigating & Understanding Library Budgets Amid Economic Uncertainty. Dan Burgard, University of North Texas Health Science Center; Diane Bruxvoort, University of North Texas Libraries; Kate Horan, McAllen Public Library; and Vanessa Ashcraft, Jarrell ISD, served as panelists for this webinar. They discussed a wide range of topics pertaining to library budgets, including examples of budget planning practices and processes from the panelists’ institutions. Recording and chat.
June 30: Safety & Managing Risk When Reopening. Diana Cervantes, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of North Texas Health Science Center; Dennis Nolan, Director of Environmental Health and Safety, Baylor University; Ramiro Salizar, Director, San Antonio Public Library; Christina Gola, University of Houston; and Dan Burgard, University of North Texas Health Science Center, led this discussion. They shared the latest science-based information and recommended practices designed to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Recording and chat.
July 21: Reopening School Libraries. Michelle Griffith, Brazosport ISD; Stacy Cameron, Frisco ISD; Kristi Starr, Lubbock ISD; and Mary Woodard, Mesquite ISD, discussed what steps school libraries are taking to ensure the health and safety of staff and students while providing services when school reopens. They spoke about serving students who are coming to campus and those who are learning virtually from home. Recording and chat.
July 28: Reopening Academic Libraries. Panelists were David Baca, Director of Library Services at Texas A&M University – Galveston; Cate Rudowsky, Dean of Libraries at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi; Cherie Hohertz, Dean of University Libraries at The University of Dallas; LaMoya Burks, Head Librarian at Texarkana College; and Christina Gola, Director of Recruitment and Organizational Learning at the University of Houston. Panelists discussed topics including: how do we limit the number of students in the library? How do we ensure masks are worn and social distancing rules are observed? What steps do we take to keep staff, volunteers and students safe? Recording and chat.